Healing with Cherie - Brisbane Kinesiology

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Are you triggered by noise?

Your children, playing, whining or crying?

Loud noises, music or machinery in the background?

What about music in shopping centres?

This used to be me! I would jump at the slightest noise. My chest would be full of anxiety and I was cranky and grumpy in my responses with my loved ones.

All signs of a nervous system under chronic, perhaps long term, stress. This nervous system can’t handle even the slightest chance of a threat and is constantly living in a survival mode.

Carrying the Mother’s Mental load can be enough to throw your nervous system into disarray.

Not being able to ‘right yourself’ or calm down after small knocks are a sign we need to address balancing the nervous system.

Once this has been balanced, small things like noise don’t impact us in the same way anymore. We can have meaningful connection in our relationships and remain calm and present with our families.

Kinesiology is such an effective method to support the nervous system;

  • Centering techniques to balance noise impact

  • Ear acupressure to balance your hearing

  • Tuning Forks (Sound healing) to remove all of the built up energetic clutter

  • Essential Oils to elevate your mood and create a hormonal shift

  • Flower Essences to support positive change of your belief systems

  • Balance Chakra’s impacted by long term stress, this will reset your boundaries and give you the power to make changes around root cause stress

If you think this might be you, the first step is booking a Kinesiology session! One session can have a huge impact on our nervous system.