Own where you are at!

A lot of my clients will ask me if they are doing enough to heal as quickly and easily as they can. Some can only afford sessions once per month, others may not be able to commit to a dietary change and a few might not be mentally ready for the next lesson.


Focusing on goals is great however, they can lead us down a path of limiting beliefs about ourselves. This can look like, ‘I will never have what they have…’, ‘How does it come so easy to others and not me?’, ‘I might as well give up now as I’ll never get there’.


Once we take ownership of our current situation, we can practice gratitude for all that it took to get us where we are now. This might look like, ‘I am attending healing sessions once per month!’, or ‘Every choice towards my goal is an achievement’. We can then surrender to the need to be something more and tap into joy and fulfilment that is actually currently available to us.


Surprisingly, we then unlock access to our own limitless potential. The desire within us to move forward is supported with the belief of our ability to create our own path and the desire for accessing our authenticity.


Once we are in alignment with our own authenticity, the ease and flow of life’s rewards begin to flow in our direction, and we get choose whether we want to embrace what’s offered.


If you would like help aligning with your authentic self by dismantling some limiting beliefs, book a session with me now!


Family Dynamics and the role it plays in Child Behaviour…