Session Information
Ways to heal & what to expect
There are many ways to approach a session, dependent on the issues we are wanting to explore.
We can leave this up to the bio-feedback to tell us what is needed or we can choose the path at the beginning of each session.
We begin with a brief discussion about what’s been happening for you, family issues, work stress, physical symptoms, overview of your daily habits including diet, sleep, movement and your emotional state. Then we will plan what the priority stress is and determine a goal, then we allow your body to determine the best methods to bring about healing the particular issue for you, this may be a number of different modalities in varying order. No one session is exactly the same, each person is unique and so is each treatment.
Hologram (1 session - 60 mins)
This is a great option for a first session or for an energetic pick me up. This approach will help you feel balanced, give you clarity and purpose.
Can-Opener (Multiple Sessions)
With Can-Opener we can explore multiple layers to our issue, this experience allows us to open up to our issue, transform and transcend it. This experience is very powerful, we go through a dismantling and re-opening and leave with an awakened and empowered disposition.
Basket Weaver (Multiple Sessions)
Here we use a Basket Weaver method to explore all the different aspects contributing to our issues. This approach is very nurturing and supportive, once cleared, we are gently woven back together and feel stronger and inspired.
Chakra Balance (Mini Session -45 mins)
Here we focus solely on a particular Chakra and look at balancing the various aspects that may be not functioning correctly. After experiencing this kind of balance, we are more connected to our higher self and find ourselves connecting differently to our close family and friends.
Mother + Child Package $190
1 x 60 min session for Mother
1 x 30 min session for the Child
1 x Custom take home Flower Essence remedy or Essential Oil roller each.
Usually when our we are looking for something to support our child for a particular issue, us Mum’s are the one’s who also need support and stress relief over the same issue!
This is why I created the Mother + Child Package, both parent & child need to feel supported and have some healing around something that’s impacting both people in the relationship.
Go ahead and book a session for yourself and your child, these can be separately or consecutively, and mention the package at the first appointment.