Healing with Cherie - Brisbane Kinesiology

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Hey Mums’, YOU Matter Too!

Hey Mumma! You Matter Too!

Your health, your emotions, your mindset, your general well-being are all important too.

Mother’s often ask me if I can help their child. They bring their child for Kinesiology sessions to help their childhood anxiety, their worries, their sore tummies and their school stress. As Mothers we will do anything to alleviate stress or painful circumstances for our children! We search far and wide, take them to see all of the people and buy all of the things to keep our kids happy.

But what about us!

What about our anxiety? What about our tummy bloating? What about our stiff neck that keeps flaring up? What about our financial and relationship stress?

It’s common practice in today’s over scheduled world to put our stress on the back burner.

This only works for so long because it’s all still there.

And it shows. It shows when we are trying to get the lunchboxes made, get the kids in the card, in the bath and into bed. We are tired, short tempered and distracted in our interactions with our loved ones. Because all OUR stress is sitting in the background waiting for it’s turn!

Our stress and well-being matters too! When mothers are regularly dealing with their own stress and emotions, when they are taking themselves for appointments and treating themselves, there is a balance in the family dynamic. The mother sees herself as an equal priority to the other members of the family.

So make yourself a priority this week!

In between work, and cooking dinner, and homework and piano lessons and cricket practice, take some time to work out what matters about you too! What part of you needs your attention this week?

Maybe you need to see the dentist or the chiropractor, get a massage, get to that Yoga class or maybe you need to make time to buy that new pair of summer sandals.

Make sure YOU matter too!

Cherie x